Basque Moment, The
edited by Xabier Arregi Gordoa and Andreas Hess
The discussion of egalitarianism goes to the very heart of Basque identity. The purpose of this book is to explore the concept, and to investigate whether egalitarianism is only a myth or ideology or whether there is some real substance and practice to it. This book approaches the topic of Basque egalitarianism from a broad range of disciplines and sub-disciplines, including social and contemporary history, sociology, political science, social anthropology and political philosophy. It also brings together people of different political conviction, spanning the divides that often occur when Basque traditions and ideas are discussed.
The Contributors
Jose Angel Achón, Xabier Arregi Gordoa, Joseba Azkarraga, Margaret Bullen, Francisco Garmendia, Jone Miren Hernández, Andreas Hess, Patxi Juaristi, Maite Lafourcade, Anne-Marie Lagarde, Oihane Oliveri, and Coro Rubio.
The Editors
Xabier Arregi teaches philosophy in the Basque Country’s secondary educational system. He is the author of Descartes (2004) and Herria, hiria, nazioa (2006)
Andreas Hess teaches sociology at University College Dublin. He is the author of Reluctant Modernization: Plebeian Culture and Moral Economy in the Basque Country (2009, Spanish translation 2012) and The Political Theory of Judith N. Shklar: Exile from Exile (2014)
ISBN 978-1-935709-73-2