States of Terror: Begoña Aretxaga’s Essays (Paperback)
by Begoña Aretxaga
Edited by Joseba Zulaika; Introduction by Kay B. Warren; Prologue and Epilogue by Joseba Zulaika.
(Occasional Papers Series, 10)
States of Terror is the posthumous work by Begoña Aretxaga (1960–2002). Her ability for bringing to the situation at hand the experiences and sights of other times and places is at the root of her creativity. Aretxaga was interested in the cultural politics of state violence and the formation of political subjectivities. Research for her essays focused on gender and political violence in Northern Ireland as well as nationalism among Basque youth.
2005, paper, $24.95, 325 pages; bibliography; index. (ISBN 1-877802-57-3).