Basque Diaspora Webscape: Identity, Nation, and Homeland, 1990s-2010s, The
By Pedro J. Oiarzabal
The Basque Diaspora Webscape documents a particular conjunctural moment in which the webmasters of Basque associations around the world configure and project Basque ethnic identity—itself a work in progress. It provides prima facie, even “official,” evidence of how identity may become nuanced differently according to the wider local setting of each diaspora and with respect to identity maintenance in the European Basque homeland. It constitutes an historical baseline against which future research can be made. Finally, it highlights a critical dimension of the wholly emergent phenomenon of a virtual universal “Basquelandia” that exists solely in cyberspace.
—William Douglass
A carefully researched case study of the Basque diaspora cyber-community that can also provide a basis for understanding many other such emerging communities. Avoids both the enthusiastic hype and mordant skepticism about social media to provide a balanced, evidence based analysis and assessment. —Carl Mitcham
In the future, when we look back to the early days of the Internet and the web and its usage by various populations, Pedro J. Oiarzabal’s book will be a superb reference to understand the complex relation of diasporas with digital technologies. —Andoni Alonso
ISBN 978-1-935709-41-1