Our Wars: Short Fiction on Basque Conflicts
Our Wars brings together a wide-ranging collection of stories on the endemic violence that plagued the Basque Country from the eruption of civil war in Spain in 1936 until the definitive ceasefire of ETA in 2011. The voices that emerge are multifaceted: an effeminate Americano innkeeper who must make surprising changes in order to survive and escape the violence that has engulfed his repatriated homeland, a man fleeing the police who finds himself in a surprising book club, a father worried about his daughter's loss of identity, parents anxiously awaiting and dreading a phone call, an estranged wife's paranoia when her husband pops up on the news, and much, much more. The themes of story-telling, transformation, and memory resonate with the power of lived experience. Selected and with an incisive explanatory introduction by Mikel Ayerbe Sudupe, these stories are "about" Basque violence, but are also much more...
ISBN 978-1-935709-29-9