Basque Diaspora, The / La Diáspora Vasca (Hardcover)
Edited by William A. Douglass, Carmelo Urza, Linda White, and Joseba Zulaika.
(Occasional Papers Series, 7)
In the summer of 1998, the University of Nevada, Reno hosted an international symposium entitled “Basques in the Contemporary World: Migration, Identity, and Globalization” attended by nearly eighty scholars. Selected papers from the symposium are now available in three volumes published in the Occasional Papers Series of the Basque Studies Program at the University of Nevada, Reno.
This multilingual volume contains eight essays in Spanish on Basques in Latin America—notably Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, and Mexico, four essays in English on Basques in the western United States, and one essay in French on the Basques of Canada.
2000, $29.95 (cloth)
ISBN 978-1-877802-05-0