Rossetti’s Obsession
by Ramon Saizarbitoria; translated from Basque by Madalen Saizarbitoria.
This humorous novel involves an insecure writer’s efforts to retrieve a note he once sent to a woman, which caused her to fall in love with him. He hopes that the note will have the same effect on his new romantic interest. “Rossetti’s Obsession . . . accurately combines the most fragile, irritating, yet touching traits of a man in search of the right role to play in relation to women . . . [A man] who is fearful of failing at love, weak and calculating, and doubtful and puerile in his understanding of the mechanisms of seduction.” (J. Ernesto Ayala-Dip, El País. Babelia, 03/23/2002).
192 pages; paper (ISBN 1-877802-60-3), $19.95.