Kashpar: The Saga of the Basque Immigrants to North America
By Joseph Eiguren
In some ways a typical emigrant: a passionate supporter of his homeland and yet a proud American as well, Joe "Kashpar" Eiguren was raised in the Basque Country during very difficult times and made his way to the United States where he worked hard and raised himself up to create a life and a family. Jose, though never formally educated, loved to write when he found something of interest to him. That was how he began writing Kashpar, which is not, in his own words, a "literary" work, but it stands the test of time as a testimony to the generation that was our greatest. Here, in his own words, Joe writes about leaving his home., coming to a foreign land, making a full life, serving his new country selflessly, and becoming a community leader and energetic promoter of Basque culture and ethnic identity in coexistence with a passion for the American spirit.
ISBN 978-1-935709-51-0